Brooke Preston
Reflection of The Worn Path

              In The Worn Path, an older lady named Phoenix took a walk through the woods
into the city to get her grandson his medicine. The woman was uneducated and really old.
On her walk ,Phoenix met a white , hunter who seemed to be kind to Phoenix . The hunter helped Phoenix out of a hole. Phoenix even got a young woman to tie her shoe. The people were nice to Phoenix because it was during Christmas time. Phoenix got her medicine for free and one of the nurses even gave her a nickel. Christmas Time was not the only reason the nurses and young women were nice to her . They knew Phoenix because of her consistent trips to the city. They had pity for her because of how she was. Even though, People took pity on her , Phoenix was determined and brave throughout her walk and even after her walk she got her Grandson a windmill with the two nickels she had .

          As old as she was , Phoenix forgot things . I believe Phoenix could have maybe had Alzheimer. She has made it all the way to the medical center and froze up . The nurses could not get her too say much . After while , Phoenix came to her senses and spoke up. One of the nurses that was familiar with Phoenix, wrote some information on a card and gave her a bottle of medicine out of kindness.
The medicine that was given to her was written down as charity.


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