
Showing posts from November, 2017
Brooke Preston Mr.Rease Eng 11 19 Nov 2017                                                     Reflection My opinion about this book can’t be explained in words but I’ll try. Sorrow of war was was a great book.  Every page hooked you to read more and more. The book gave you a bit of dramatic ,depressing details about moments in the war and then it would give you intense sexual moments that are not my personal favorite . The book was balanced out into sad ,exciting, and overall engaging details. I liked the fact that Kien had determination. He wrote about his experiences in the war  even if they gave him flashbacks of horrible things. Sorrow of war wasn’t just about war it was about love and I believe that’s what made it interesting.
Brooke Preston Mr.Rease Eng 11 16 Nov 17                                                         Review       The Sorrow of war was written about love and war. The main character Kien was a strong , loving , sorrowful solider. Kien went through lots of losses throughout the readings . Kien’s love interest (lover) Phuong was a questionable character . Phượng was Kien’s high school sweet heart ! However , she showed signs of uncertainty in their relationship. The departures Phượng and Kien experienced were caused by the war . Phoung’s attitide post war with Kien caused me to dislike her. Phượng admitted to having feelings for Kien’s father. She also criticized him for not spending time with his father. Kien’s father was an artist , he was always drunk and painting yellow canvases. The war altogether was depressing and really scaring due to all the tales of the soldiers whispering to them. The book overall was very exciting but sad.                      
  -Saturday Quote #1:”You will be young angels of our revolution, You will rescue mankind.” Pg.118 My answer to question 1 was: The theme of this quote is hope. The quote expresses great hope of survival. My answer to question 3 was: The quote indicates an conflict because having hope may be good but striving to do what you believe in or hope for maybe an conflict if you are not doing the part. Quote #2:” A clan of muddle-headed people .” My answer to question 3 was: The conflict would be the parents arguing . My answer to question 2 was : This quote characteizes Kien. Kien’s parents arguentments caused them to separate .
     -Friday Quote #2: “Blinking at me, the rain pouring down his face  mixing water tears and blood. Outside the crater the jungle was destroyed , with trees broken and the ground devastated. Troops from both sides had withdrawn so I searched for a while and found a bag with emergency medical equipment in it, then time to go back to help him” My answer to question 1 was: The theme is survivor’s guilt and suffering . The quote explains how sad and depressed the solider was. My answer to question 4 was: The quote gives great setting . It talks about the jungle , rain, and the craters.
Brooke Preston Mr.Rease Eng 11 12 Nov 17           -Friday  Quote 1: Death is another life , a different kind than we know here. Inside death one finds calm , tranquility, and real freedom.” My answer to question 1 was: The theme is hope. To think there is a another life after death gives hope of some type of happiness. My answer to question 5 was: A contemporary issues would be the beliefs people have in  some religions. For example, Catholics believe after death you go to heaven (or hell) and live forever happy .
Brooke Preston Mr.Rease Eng11 12 Nov 17 Thursday- Quote #1: “that’s enough let our stories be ashes “ Pg.81 My answer to question 1 was : The theme was friendship Because Hiền and Kien were separating from each other and they were sad . My answer to question 5 was: I turned theme into a conflict of ab contemporary issue The contemporary issue related to this quote would be the murders of jealous men and women who can’t let go of their past relationships. Quote #2: We’re prisoners of our shared memories of wonderful times together ....” My answer was to question 1: The theme is loneliness , if you are left with just your memories And no one to make more with it causes you to only think of the ones already left . Which may cause you to feel lonely . My answer was to question 2: I think the quote characterizes Kien . Kien is always Called the “sorrowful solider/spirit” in the quote it symbolizes the sorrowful part of Kien.